Give today to create a foundation of future impact.
Each gift becomes more valuable with time. The Endowment Fund of Temple Emanu-El was created in 1994 to ensure long term stability and allow congregants to support our community based on personal circumstances and preferences. The Endowment Fund provides for physical growth and enhancements of Temple Emanu-El while its earnings can support daily operations, special programs and critical needs.
Help our endowment grow and make a significant impact for future generations. Let’s explore how your gift can be personalized to align with your individual goals.
Make a donation HERE or email Diane Farber HERE for more information.
Create your Jewish Life & Legacy right now!
Congregants have supported Temple Emanu-El through:
- Cash Donations
- Security Transfers
- Planned Gifts (Wills, Trusts, Retirement Accounts & Life Insurance)
- Charitable Trusts
Fae Beloff and Grandson Aaron - planning for the future!
By making a pledge to our Endowment Fund you will contribute to the continued growth and sustainability of our Temple Emanu-el community. This permanent Endowment will ensure future generations will have access to the same quality programs we provide today. Your support will ensure we meet the needs of our congregation for many years to come and hopefully in perpetuity.
Sincere thanks and appreciation to the following congregants who have joined our Life & Legacy donor circle:
Alterman, Miriam & Harold | Koziol, Isaac & Judith |
Anderson, Scott | Lakritz, Lowell S. & Joffe, Linda |
Berg, Rabbi Aviva & Arthur Bernberg | Levinson, Stan & Louise |
Benjamin, Barry & Suzy | Levitan, Michael & Sandy |
Bernstein, Donald & Barbara | Maguire, Joanne |
Bernstein, Tommy | Levenson, Joan & Bart |
Berson, Roberta & Tucciarone, Frank | Malawsky, Donald M. |
Brizdle, Barbara | Meltzer, Barbara & Philip |
Cahn, Judy | Myers, Helene & William |
Cohen, Wendy & Jeff | Newman, Larry & Barbara |
Cohen, Norman & Diane | Oppen, Steve |
Cohn, Sol | Perlmutter, Betty |
Cotler, Denise & Jonathan Herz-Midler | Reens, Karla & Dennis |
Cotman, Alice | Richker, Michael & Blum, Joan |
Criden, Laurie & Mark | Ross, Irving & Doris |
Davis, Helene | Roth, Terry & Sam |
Dreyfuss, Phyllis | Shacket, Michael |
Ernst, Meredith & Al | Silver, Susan |
Feuerstein, David | Silverglat, Cindy & Alan |
Friedman, Michael & Lynn | Simon, Kenneth & Susan |
Gerber, Barbara & Barry | Steinberg, Joni |
Gibbs, Judy & Bruce | Stengel, Deborah |
Glickman, Rabbis Elaine & Brenner | Taksen, Kenneth |
Gluck, Marlies | Temple-Chechik, Diane |
Goldberg, Sandra | Vorchheimer, Neal & Jane |
Goldfarb Dori & Jeff Maggard | Wachs, Eleanor |
Green, Carol & Jules | Weed, Gloria & Bill |
Halpern, Toby | Werbelow, Louise |
Hayden, Paula | Wicks, Wendy & Conrad |
Hughes, Rhea & Palmer | Wieckowski, Michele |
Kilman, Howard & Susan | Yonker, Debra & Mark Freed |
Of Blessed Memory:
Arch, Barbara |
Bernstein, Karen |
Cohen, Eunice |
Cutler, Shirley |
Gilden, Jacqueline |
Gold, Renee & Bert |
Goldberg, Howard |
Halpern, Gene |
Popp, Douglas |
Rosenberg, Harold |
Rosenthal, Marjorie |
Shays, Rona |
Simons, Ruth |
Spindler, Joan & Marvin |
Stern, Bernice |
Tanner, Sylvan |
Werbelow, Judson |