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As the region’s Jews age and fade from active communal involvement, many in the up-and-coming generation may question why Temple Emanu-El needs to exist at all. In today’s pluralistic, universalistic world, young people are less likely to value communal life built on a particularistic base or belief that Jewish education is necessary to be a good person. Congregations whose why [Mission] focuses on providing Jewish community, programming, and education, therefore, will not resonate with these individuals or families.
Congregational life needs a new why, and it is up to synagogue leaders to adjust and refocus their communities’ existing why so congregations can grow and thrive. Many reform Jews want to feel a sense of belonging, they want to be engaged in something larger than themselves and their immediate families, and they are looking for a vehicle for giving back. They want to feel connected to and embraced by others. Many congregants want to have deep conversations and moments of divine spirituality. Over the course of their membership, many of us connect to different aspects of the congregation’s Mission.

Vision Statement

VISION - Temple Emanu-El aspires to be an innovative and engaging community for Jewish learning, spiritual growth, and the celebration of Jewish culture for all generations, in a manner that brings compassion and joy.

Mission Statement

MISSION - Temple Emanu-El is a vibrant, inclusive, and welcoming Temple where we come together for religious and spiritual fulfillment, lifelong learning, and memorable moments, and support for social justice, for Israel, and for each other.

Values Statements

Inspired as a Jew

We value the power of prayer and community worship and the importance of the Jewish family. We are personally called upon to perform Mitzvot, to practice mindfulness and caring, and to live out ethical wisdom and the meaning of being Jewish through Torah (d’veykut).


Value the engagement of all congregants as we come together to celebrate simchas, to support each other in times of pain and hardship, to be there for each other. (kehila).

Diversity and Inclusion
We are an inclusive congregation that becomes stronger as we value diversity, open-mindedness, and egalitarianism.


We are committed to building an active network of relationships that promotes high levels of volunteerism, a commitment to social action, an appreciation of staff, and acts of generosity. Engagement enables the continued growth of our congregation and supports the growth of our local Jewish community.

Continuous Learning

We encourage and support our members to increase their knowledge of Judaism, strengthen their Jewish identity, and continually grow as Jewish individuals; and we provide formal support for the development of our younger congregants (limud Torah). We also encourage our employees to increase their knowledge of Judaism and of the temple in which they work.

Social Justice

We believe in improving the world through justice and fairness (tikkun olam). We value ongoing commitment to charity (tzedakah) and acts of loving kindness (g’milut chasadim)

Keeping Identity Alive / Responsibility

We inspire all generations toward a firm Jewish identity through a variety of opportunities forming a link from our past to our future (l’dor v’dor).


We respect and value the financial support of the community that Temple Emanu-El serves, and therefore, will operate in a fiscally conservative and responsible manner ensuring that Temple Emanu-El can continue to serve future generations.

Safety and Security

We strive to ensure that our activities occur in a safe haven that allows our worship, learning, and fellowship to flourish without threat.

Support of the State of Israel

We as a congregation believe that by supporting the State of Israel, our homeland, it will remain strong and vibrant (eretz Yisrael).

Adopted by the Board of Trustees,
Temple Emanu-El
May, 2020

Thu, October 24 2024 22 Tishrei 5785