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Each week on Shabbat, the Project Amichai Israel Charity Committee will recommend one or more Israeli charities to support during this critical time. The Committee is currently recommending the following charities to support.  Every gift, large and small, matters.

Leket - Israel's Food Bank:

With over 50,000 volunteers each year, Leket collects food from farms, agricultural storehouses, cafeterias, and event venues and distributes it to over 200 organizations around the country.  They feed the secular and orthodox, Jews and Arabs.  When the war began, Leket promised to provide food and other essentials to everyone in the south and everyone in Israel relocated by the war. Click here to donate to Leket.

The Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism:

The Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism (IMPJ) is mobilizing aid for those directly affected in the Gaza (Shaar HaNegev) region and across central and southern Israel.  Synagogues and members are offering housing and refuge, and supporting traumatized residents in various capacities. Please help this local movement to provide support on the ground.  Click here to donate to IMPJ.

Friends of the Israel Defence Forces:

Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF) is a non-political, non-military organization that provides for wellbeing of the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), veterans and family members. Established in 1981 by a group of Holocaust survivors, FIDF is a 501c3 not-for-profit corporation that operates 26 regional offices in the United States with headquarters in New York City. FIDF is a single organization authorized to collect charitable donations on behalf of the soldiers of the IDF across the United States. As their true and only partners, FIDF is responding to their most urgent needs for humanitarian support which currently include armored ambulances, field hospitals, plasma, and other life-saving supplies.
Click here to donate to Friends of the IDF.

Magen David Adom:

In the United States, disaster relief, ambulance, and blood services are handled by an array of organizations. In Israel, there’s one organization that does it all — Magen David Adom. Although MDA’s role is mandated by the Israeli government, it’s not a government agency. As Israel’s official representative to the International Red Cross, Magen David Adom’s role precludes it from accepting governmental support for its general operations. Because of this arrangement, MDA relies on support from donors, including those from the United States, to keep its dispatch systems, training, and equipment the best in the world.
Your donations provide the ambulances, protective vests and helmets, and the critical supplies MDA needs right now. 
Click here to Donate to Magen David Adom.

Bayit Cham:

During the massacre in Israel’s South, children saw their parents, siblings – even babies, friends, and neighbors, snatched away before their very eyes. Murdered. Maimed. Abducted. They saw the most brutal sights possible. They were confined in bomb shelters for hours on end, and evacuated to strange homes – all these and more combined to create severe trauma that, if left untreated, will develop into a dangerous post-trauma that can accompany the child for many years.

To address this urgent need, Bayit Cham, a 25-year veteran in mental health, has launched a fund for free treatment for 1,000 affected children and teens in Gaza Belt and battle zones. The comprehensive program, costing $1,500 per child, offers at least 12 therapy sessions led by trauma specialists to support the healing and recovery of these children.
Click here to Donate to Bayit Cham.

Bayit Brigade:

Bay Brigade has established an Emergency Support Fund, directing 100% of raised funds to provide immediate aid to Lone IDF Soldiers and victims of terror. The fund will provide supplies, hygiene products, clothing for soldiers in the field, groceries for off-base rest, rent relief for struggling veterans, medical bill coverage for injured soldiers, humanitarian aid for victims of terror, housing for displaced citizens, morale-boosting initiatives like BBQ's and massage therapy for soldiers, and mattress pads for better sleep on the front lines.
Click here to Donate to Bayit Brigade.


OneFamily is a national organization dedicated to aiding victims of terrorism and empowering bereaved families emotionally and financially. By uniting professionals, volunteers, donors, and individuals impacted by Israeli terror attacks since 2000, the organization swiftly addresses immediate needs and offers customized therapeutic programs. OneFamily's commitment spans financial, legal, and medical support, building trust and unity. The organization also prioritizes ongoing rehabilitation for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and advocates for victims to access government benefits.
Click here to donate to OneFamily.

Friends of the 36th Division, 
In honor and memory of Sergeant Major, Adi Shani:

Our temple member Tova Phillipes just returned from Israel and the funeral of her son Adi who was killed in action in Gaza. He left behind a wife and three young daughters ages 3-9.  

Before Adi died, he asked his mother to help raise money for night-vision goggles for his reserve unit. Before they could get the goggles, he was shot during an engagement in the dark. The family is determined to get the goggles now for the surviving members of the unit. Help us support our heroes in the 36th Division.
Click here to donate to Friends of the 36th Division.

ERAN - Emotional First Aid:

ERAN, established in 1971, is a leading organization providing Lifesaving Emotional First Aid Services through confidential and anonymous phone and online support. As the largest hotline in Israel, ERAN operates 24/7 with a network of over 1,600 trained volunteers across branches in Israel, North America, and Australia. These volunteers, from diverse backgrounds, are dedicated to offering immediate assistance to those facing emotional distress.
Click Here to donate to ERAN.

Jewish National Fund-USA:

Donations to the Jewish National Fund-USA directly support the crucial needs of evacuees, including housing, food, clothing, education, and trauma therapy. Additionally, the organization is actively providing firefighting and protective equipment to civil defense, securing food production by aiding farmers, and coordinating respite activities for displaced children. Jewish National Fund-USA's comprehensive efforts also encompass welfare checks for the elderly, support for IDF soldiers, assistance for the Hostage and Missing Families Forum, and backing the establishment of a Trauma Ward at the ADI Negev-Nahalat Eran Kaylie Rehabilitation Medical Center.
Click here to donate to Jewish National Fund-USA.

Keren B'Kavod:

Karen B'Kavod assists disadvantaged populations throughout the year from all segments of Israeli society, regardless of religion, place of origin or political affiliation, in order to minimize gaps in Israeli society and promote social justice. Their mission is to influence and create 'Tikkun Olam' in Israeli society. They operate programs, philanthropy projects, and social involvement in conjunction with the Reform congregations throughout Israel.
Click here to donate to Keren B'Kavod

ELEM/Youth in Distress:

Founded in 1982, ELEM/Youth in Distress in Israel is the country’s leading nonprofit organization dedicated to treating and transforming the lives of troubled youth.

Your support at this time will allow for ELEM to replenish their van fleet (2 of their vans were destroyed at the Nova Music Festival), which is crucial as they're opening multiple pop-up locations for evacuated youth. ELEM also need funds to allow for additional pop-up locations, hiring more staff (many of their staff were called to serve), providing humanitarian aid for young mothers at risk, and more. Click here to donate to ELEM.

Soroka Medical Center:

Soroka Medical Center, the only major medical center in Israel’s south, stands at the forefront of the battle to save the lives of Israel’s wounded. Soroka's Francis and Nathan Kirsh Trauma Center and Emergency Department have tirelessly treated over 1,400 wounded patients, with a significant number in critical condition. Click here to donate to Soroka Medical Center.

Artists 4 Israel:

Artists 4 Israel combats anti-Israel bigotry through art and supports communities impacted by terrorism. They use Healing Arts Kits for children, designed by mental health professionals to prevent PTSD and have delivered over 8,000 Kits across Israel during previous operations. They are currently seeing requests for thousands more during this time of historic need. 

Donations are welcomed for overall support or specifically to produce a Healing Arts Kit for $54.  Click here to donate to Artists 4 Israel.

Belev Echad, Operation Swords of Iron:

Belev Echad has converted their facility in Israel to a rehabilitation hospital to help those wounded, since the hospitals are overwhelmed. They visit multiple hospitals daily, reaching out to the thousands of wounded soldiers and creating emergency care packages of items they are missing and need. 

100 percent of your donation will go directly to food, treatment, medical supplies and help for Israel Soldiers. Click here to donate to Belev Echad.

Hamesayaat 7020 Reserve Auxiliary Company:

The 7020 Auxiliary Company nonprofit organization is working to commemorate the Company’s fighters who have been killed, working for the Company’s past and present fighters, and various ventures to benefit the people of the State of Israel.

Your donation enables and helps them to continue supporting these goals.
Click here to donate to Hamesayaat 7020 Reserve Auxiliary Company.

Yad Ezra V'Shulamit:

Yad Ezra V’Shulamit, a non-profit organization that provides food and food vouchers to those in need. They also distribute toys & supplies to thousands of displaced children.
Click here to donate to Yad Ezra V’Shulamit.


United Hatzalah:

United Hatzalah provides rapid, medical treatment using specially equipped motorcycle ambulances. They are in need of trauma kits and protective vests. 
Click here to donate to United Hatzalah.


Latet Israeli Humanitarian Aid:

Latet provides impoverished Israeli families with vital emergency winter aid kits containing food and hygiene products.
Click here to donate to Latet.


American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC):

To aid traumatized Israeli children, JDC (American Joint Distribution Committee) provides a magical toy called the Hibuki (hug) doll, a giant dog that can be strapped on to the children with Velcro patches giving them a hug.
Click here to donate to JDC.



American Friends of NATAL:

NATAL offers comprehensive trauma support for war and terrorism survivors, including outreach, a trauma helpline, counseling, and professional training.
Click here to donate to NATAL.

Connections and Links:

Provide mind-body training to enhance resilience and promote emotional healing from trauma.  
Click here to donate to Connections and Links.

YATAR Israel:

Yatar helps protect Israel from terrorist attacks by deploying highly trained volunteer units to work with IDF and border police.
Click here to donate to YATAR Israel.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784